- Washington Elementary School District
- Capital Projects and Maintenance
- Asbestos Awareness Notification
Asbestos Awareness Notification
Since the enactment of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), all schools nationwide are required to take comprehensive action relative to asbestos in their buildings. These actions include inspections by EPA accredited inspectors, the assessment of condition, potential disturbance of asbestos materials, and the posting of warning labels.
Washington Elementary School District contracted with an environmental health consulting firm, to provide the services necessary for the District to be in compliance with AHERA. Inspections of buildings have been completed throughout the district and the management plans were developed. A copy of the asbestos management plan for each school can be found in the school administrators and/or campus facilities supervisor offices. The management plan is available for review during normal school hours.
Our district is dedicated to maintaining its asbestos-containing materials in a safe and undamaged condition. Qualified asbestos contractors have been repairing and abating asbestos throughout the district in conjunction with the bond improvement program. In the implementation of its AHERA compliance program, the District will take whatever measures are necessary to protect human health and provide a safe environment.
Questions regarding the district’s asbestos management program should be addressed to the Director of Capital Projects and Maintenance, Tim Woodward at (602) 347-2835 or Tim.Woodward@wesdschools.org.