Gifted Learning Center Application K-6

  • The Washington Elementary School District provides services for all school-age students identified as gifted in verbal, quantitative, and/or non-verbal reasoning. The Gifted Learning Center (GLC) is an all day, self-contained learning experience. What makes the GLC unique is that it is a multi-age gifted program designed specifically for highly gifted K-6th grade students.

    Program Description: Students enrolled in the GLC receive instruction at their ability level instead of grade level. The four teachers responsible for running the GLC collaboratively plan to create exciting learning opportunities and differentiated assignments for students on a weekly basis. The Schoolwide Enrichment Model Reading Framework (SEM-R) is used to teach language arts and accelerated math options are available to students who are in need of more challenge. A rotating list of electives are offered to GLC students each quarter, which includes such options as Lego robotics, video and podcast production, the Future City competition, drama, service-learning projects, etc. Social-emotional development lessons are routinely incorporated into the day as well.

    Program Philosophy: Every student deserves the appropriate educational opportunities to enable achievement commensurate with ability and to be challenged with the academic rigor they need. The necessary educational differentiation and opportunities to interact and work with peers provides these students with an appropriate, effective educational experience.


Application Components: All parts of the application are contained in the google form.

  • GLC application form (Google Form link below) 

    1) Grades K-3: A letter from the parent OR student describing why the child would like to be part of the GLC and how the student exhibits Habits of a Scholar. 

    Grades 4-6: A letter from the student for 4th-6th grade students describing why they would like to join the GLC and how they exhibit the Habits of a Scholar

    2) Video Submission showing samples of the student's work. This should be only a few minutes or less showing  one two or three examples of the students work, talent, or creativity. This can be anything the child is proud of. The application has some suggestions. 

    3) Regular Education Teacher Recommendation (email link to teacher) 

    4) Gifted Teacher Recommendation (email link to teacher)

Link to Google form application

  •  If you have any questions please email or call 602-347-2651.

Mr. Tim explains cell structure with an egg after students have a chance to walk on eggs and discuss why they didn't break.

Entrance Criteria for the GLC:

    • At least 95 percentile in one area of giftedness, plus 90th percentile or higher in a second area, plus 80th percentile or higher in a third area on a state approved gifted assessment
    • Completed application
    • Demonstration of the Habits of a Scholar
  • GLC Application Timeline:

    Applications for the 25-26 school year will open February 10, 2025.

    Open House at Sahuaro Elementary 5:30-6:30pm.: March  TBD , 2025

    Completed Applications Due (online): April 1, 2025

    Notification of acceptance: May 5, 2025

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