How It Works

  • Governing Board Membership
    Governing Board Members are unpaid, elected officials who serve as the policy-making body for the Washington Elementary School District.

    A board member must be a qualified elector and have lived in the District at least one year. Each member serves a four-year term. Terms are staggered so two or three board seats become vacant on alternate election years.

    According to Arizona law, board members may serve for an unlimited number of terms.

    Board Responsibilities
    The Washington School District Governing Board is responsible to the citizens of the District and the state of Arizona for the education of public school students in the state's largest elementary school district.

    The Board sets policy, approves educational programs and textbook adoption, approves the hiring and termination of personnel, sets salaries and compensates and adopts a yearly budget.

    The responsibility to oversee and administer programs and policies rests with the Superintendent, who is hired by the Board.

    Board Action
    The advice of the public is given careful consideration before action is taken on any item. The Board's first concern is for the educational program as it affects students. Final decisions may depart from the advice of the public when, in the judgment of the Board and the staff, such advice is not consistent with District goals, current educational practice or within reach of available financial resources.

    Board Meetings
    Regular meetings of the Governing Board are held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month, with some exceptions as noted on the calendar. Meetings are held at the Administrative Center, 4650 West Sweetwater Avenue and begin at 6:00 p.m. The Governing Board may call for special meetings as needed.
    If interpreter services are needed to either attend the board meeting or address the board, please contact Translation Services at 602-896-6290 at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled Board Meeting in order to allow sufficient time to arrange for an interpreter to be available. 

    Viewing The Agenda
    Copies of the upcoming agenda are located on the District website for public review before each meeting. The agenda may also be reviewed at the Administrative Center at 4650 W Sweetwater Ave.

    Addressing the Board
    The Governing Board very much welcomes input from the public.  During regularly scheduled board meetings, there is a time set aside on the agenda for public comment. To address the Board, individuals must complete and submit a public participation form to the Board Secretary before the meeting begins. The public participation form is available at every regular scheduled meeting and can also be downloaded from the Washington Elementary School District website. 
    Remarks are limited to three minutes. The president may further limit discussion when deemed necessary for proper conduct of the meeting, as when a large number of speakers wish to address a particular topic. Defamatory or abusive remarks against individual District employees or Board members will be declared out of order.