- Mountain Sky Junior High School
- Health Office
Fever: If your child has a fever higher than 100 degrees, he or she should stay home. Children should be fever-free for 24 hours (without medication) before returning to school.
Mild Cough/Runny Nose: If there is no fever and the child wants to attend school, it is okay to send him or her to school.
Bad Cough/Cold Symptoms: If your child has a cough or cold that will disrupt his or her ability to learn or will disrupt the learning of others, he or she should stay home.
Vomiting or Diarrhea: If your child is vomiting and/or has diarrhea, he or she should stay home. Your child may return to school when they have not vomited or had diarrhea for 24 hours without the use of medication.
Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis): Pink eye is contagious and may be bacterial or viral. Consult your doctor regarding treatment. If an antibiotic is prescribed, the student may return 24 hours after the first antibiotic treatment. Once a diagnosis is made, please call the school's health office.
Sore Throat: A minor sore throat is typically caused by seasonal allergies and/or mild viral infection. A severe sore throat may be caused by streptococcal bacteria. Typical symptoms of strep throat are fever, headache, and stomachache without nasal congestion. A special test is required to determine if it is strep, keep your child home and contact your doctor. Your child may return to school 24 hours after antibiotic treatment begins. Once a diagnosis is made, please call the school's health office.
Head Lice: If your child has head lice, he or she must be treated with a medicated lice shampoo and have most of the nits (eggs) removed before returning to school. Please have your child checked by the health technician before returning to school.
Rash: Children with a skin rash should be seen by a doctor, as it may be a sign or symptom of a contagious illness that may require treatment.
For questions and/or further questions and concerns, please contact our health office, Lisa Carter at 602-896-6110.